Sunday, July 19, 2009

Are the men in your life supporters of your natural journey?

So this is how I wore my hair to a luau gathering last night...
(it's my new wig!) If not all, most of the females loved it but the guys not too much! They didn't say anything outlandish but their comments said it all.

"What did you do to your hair?"
"WOW that's big hair...Diana Ross hair...lay it down" (I think Diana Ross' hair is fierce by the way!)

Me personally, I love the big wild crazy hair, i think its beautiful....

Are most men not fond of the NATURAL look ?? and WHY?

Yea Yea I know the history of our people and hair, but in my opinion women seem more open to natural hair and "change"( I guess you could say). But many(not all) of men aren't so welcoming to such a "change". why is that?... thoughts?

***New Youtube video on this wig will be posted soon***


  1. My boyfriend has been very supportive.. He really didn't have a choice. One day I just popped up after I did my BC like SURPRISE! :) But he seems to like it.

  2. My personal opinion is that it takes a special kind of man to support/appreciate natural hair. "Big hair" can only be pulled off when a woman has a certain type of confidence and belief in herself and it makes you stand out. A lot of men seem to prefer a woman who blends in or whose "look" is more comprable to what they see in videos or everyday. Since long and straight or curls that flow downward are more the "thing" men seem to migrate towards that type of look. Sure! It's just not some people's thing I know... But it takes a very secure and confident man to appreciate and even LOVE big hair/natural hair. Attention would be drawn to him when he's with you and a lot of people are more go with the flow as opposed to into high fashion and/or a more avante gaurd look! Which I LOVE! Where did you get that wig girl???? Please tell!

  3. That makes a lot of sense Deborah, I guess we too play a role in a mans perception of our hair. I never thought it like so.
    But thank you! I got the wig at my local BSS. I just fluffed it and combed it out a bit! I love big hair :)


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